TOEIC course

In this course, you will be given usefull information, tips, or tactics to help you achieve high TOEIC results. Practice on a number of mock-up tests. Taking the TOEIC course is our first step towards achieving your dream TOEIC score!

If you have felt not being good at English, or love English but unable to achieve good test results, this course is for you! If you have encountered difficulties studying for the TOEIC test, worry no more! We will help you overcome your weak points and let you practice mock tests. Soon enough you'll develop good focus, judgment, and confidence!

One Week Course

Good for business workers who rarely get a long holiday. You'll concentrate your efforts one preparation and sudies for the TOEIC, during your stay.

*Comprehensive Course Only

Beginner Course

To get used to the TOEIC testm you'll be taught basic tips and techniques.

*For TOEIC scores below 500

Intermediate Course

Get used to tricky questions and overcome your weaknesses.

*Let's achieve a TOEIC score between 500-700

Advanced Course

Aim to get high scores which companies require. Let's get higher score and boost communication skills!

*Let's aim for a TOEIC score above 700