Teacher MJ
Making mistakes in sentences is normal. I take note of their individual difficulties and make sure they get better at it.
I have been teaching English to different nationalities for quite some time now. And I know it is really challenging to learn a new language.
So my personal goal, is to see students gradually building confidence. In the beginning, students who previously used one-word answers develop to use two or three word answers, building to complete sentences. Of course there are times that those sentences are wrong, but it is proof that the student had the courage to speak for themselves with confidence. I feel very happy when I see it!
In order for students to be able to speak sentences, I advise students that "making mistakes is normal". Even I can make mistakes in my own language! The important thing is to speak and get communication skills and, to that end, students are encouraged to ask questions for themselves during class. The teachers will be delighted to be asked questions.
I adapt the way of teaching to suit the students. For example, if students struggle speaking about grammar or are developing slowly, then I will switch the topic to something more personal or interesting for the student, like hobbies and interests. International students are always afraid of making mistakes, but learning a language is like riding a bicycle – you can’t learn if you don’t get on the bike and learn to get back up after you fall off.

Message to Students:
Do not be afraid to commit mistakes!
"Learning the words is fun and easy. But I also understand that it is hard to acquire a new language. The most important thing is to do your best. You came here to learn English, but you can also have fun while studying. Learn English while experiencing a new culture, too! This way, studying feels lighter. Talk to Filipinos you’d meet. They would love to engage you in a conversation. Do not be afraid to commit mistakes. It is part of learning. Just keep talking and enjoy your study abroad."